What is it like to be a Trustee at Team Kenya?
In this blog we ask our Trustee, Alicia Jeans about her experience of being a Trustee of Team Kenya…
My name is Alicia, I am a Team Kenya Trustee but in my day job I work as a Disability Support Teacher. I live in Australia and have been a trustee for Team Kenya since 2011. I started with the charity as a volunteer after meeting Val, the Founder, on a trip to Borneo. I greatly enjoyed the experience and the profound impact on my life after visiting Ndhiwa for myself. I have varied skills as a current teacher and I was previously in the insurance industry which combined gave me experience to assist with our Aspire Scholarships programs and finances within our partner organisation in Kenya.
When I was asked to become a Trustee I saw it as an opportunity to be a part of a charity that is literally transforming an entire community. I am privileged to see first hand the impact of our programs and to help make decisions that can have a positive impact on gender equality and equitable access to education.
Since 2011, my role has included overseeing our scholarship program to developing financial procedures and training staff in Kenya. I have spoken at and attended fundraising events and am currently working towards establishing new school partnerships in Australia.
To be part of a board of Trustees in a small charity is a wonderful experience as we bounce ideas off one another and have in depth discussions in which all voices are heard. A variety of skills are valuable to the charity as we each bring unique experience to the table. I hope to continue with Team Kenya for many years to come.