Raising Achievement in Ndhiwa!
Team Kenya’s Raising Achievement programme works alongside four schools to improve the quality of teaching. Enhancing the quality of teaching gives girls and boys the opportunity to perform more effectively in school, and as the name suggests… raise achievement!
The programme has had a positive impact upon our partner schools, with each school experiencing more students completing primary education, rather than leaving school at some point in their primary years. One partner school, Arina Primary, had no girls in the final year of primary school when partnership with Team Kenya was established six years ago. This number has increased to 30 girls (of a total of 48 students) who are currently studying in the final year of primary school!
Teachers are trained in techniques such as asking low order questions at the beginning of lessons and building up to a high order question, using group work to make learning interactive and how to tailor lessons to mixed ability groups. The teachers at the school have been universally positive about the techniques they have learned and feel that lessons have improved as a result.
“The lesson enabled pupils to discover their talents and they also appreciated one another. I came to realize that pupil’s potential is not being tapped properly. This was the most enjoyable lesson this term and it extended beyond the stipulated time.” – Trained Teacher