Carmel’s Placement in Ndhiwa

Earlier this year, I visited Ndhiwa on a research and volunteering placement with Team Kenya, as part of my MA International Development and Education at Newcastle University. In a few weeks, I’ll be handing in my dissertation and putting on my Team Kenya vest for the Great North Run. So, as two very different finish lines creep nearer, it feels a good time to reflect on what it’s all for. Here’s what it’s like to be on placement in Ndhiwa… Karibuni Eco Cottages Like most Team Kenya volunteers, I stayed at Karibuni. This place is much more than accommodation. It…
Read more18 Month Report: Brighter Futures

Here is our full Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Report on the Brighter Futures programme and the impact of the programme in its first 18 months. Thanks go to our volunteer, Alyssa Koenig, who wrote the majority of this report using information collected by our implementation partners, NCEDP. Background Brighter Futures is a current community outreach project run by the Ndhiwa Community Empowerment and Development Project (NCEDP) and fully funded by partners Team Kenya UK, which aims to use football as a tool for engaging girls and boys in gender equality conversations to help reduce Gender Based Violence (GBV) and…
Read more18 Month Update: Brighter Futures

Our Brighter Futures programme uses mixed gender football as a vehicle to educate the community on issues, including gender-based violence and gender inequality. The programme initially provides interactive lessons to boys and girls at partner schools, before community outreach sessions are held to ensure that all groups within the community receive this vital education. Brighter Futures has now been operating for 18 months and evidence demonstrates that the programme is having a positive impact in reducing gender-based violence, child marriage and teenage pregnancies. In Ndhiwa, where Team Kenya works, only 15.7% of girls continue into secondary education – with gender-based…
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